الثلاثاء, 2013-01-15, 5:35 PM | رسالة # 1 |
| إنتسبت في المنتدى:2013-01-10
رقم العضوية : 19 أقيم في : الجزائر
عدد المشاركات : 54 أنـا : ذكر
| Take a look at each pair : Gave/Save - House/Mouse New/Shoe - Town/Noun Age/Cage - Nice/Mice Game/Aim - Sound/Round Die/Cry - Few/Do Far/Star - Saw/War Work /Kirk - Walk/Fork Turn/Earn - Place/Face Bird /Word - Square/Air Wall/Shawl - Paw/Store Drive/Alive - Dead/Bed Gown/Drown - Float/Boat Low/So - Wheat/Sheet Cow/Wow!!! - Force/Horse Cook/Book - Some/Thumb
OK ? What have you noticed? That's right : Rhyming words are words that have the same ending sounds
Download the Rhyming Game and have fun playing with your friends.
تم تحرير الرسالة MrEnglish - الثلاثاء, 2013-01-15, 5:39 PM |